ISS Newsletter September 2013

Membership Fees 2013

There are still a number of subscriptions outstanding for 2013. We would ask members to give this matter their immediate attention.

New Council & New Officers

There were three members elected onto Council at the AGM, namely Andrew O’Donoghue, Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare, breeder of the Lickeen Beef Shorthorn Herd, Kieran Flatley, Kilkelly, Co. Mayo, breeder of the Glann Beef Shorthorn Herd and John Clarke, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, breeder of the Doon Beef Shorthorn Herd. The new Officers are: President Michael McKeon, Vice President Michael Conway, Treasurer John Clarke, PRO Patrick Brady, Assistant PRO Kieran Flatley.

Ploughing 2013

The Ploughing Championships is upon us once again. The Society will have a stand at the event this year with a selection of Dairy Cows in Milk and Dairy In calf heifers. The Beef section will have a selection of All Ireland Class winners from the Summer Show circuit and some Commercial cross animals on display. The Annual Draw will take place on the Thursday with the Draw Heifer on display for the event. Draw cards are enclosed with this Newsletter. If you require extra cards please contact the office on the above numbers. Consider placing a card in your local Co-op, Mart, or Vets to help with our fund raising as this is a very costly event to participate in each year. Your dedicated support is very much appreciated.

Sire Directories 2013

New Beef and Dairy Sire Directories are currently being compiled and will be available at the Ploughing event. There are a number of New Bulls on the scene at present. Annawater Scotsman in the new kid on the block in Eurogene A.I., Sprys Patent Ace is newly available in Progressive Genetics and Munster A.I. On the Dairy side Marleycote Thunder is the new dairy bull in ABS Ireland in Cork, and Progressive Genetics have a panel of 6 Dairy bulls on their books at present, the new ones being Strickley True Perfection from the UK, Treeton Pingerly from Australia, Hardcore Rob Romeo from US. Some breeders experienced difficulties in getting the desired straws from their A.I. Technicians so we would recommend that breeders pre order their requirements well in advance of the breeding season.

Breed Journal

A team are starting work on compiling the next Breed Journal. The advertising fees for breeders for the next edition are: Full Page 150 euro, Half Page 90 euro, Quarter Page 60 euro. Our President Michael McKeon is co-ordinating this publication. Please send in all photos, adverts and articles a.s.a.p. The timeline is as follows, compilation during October for printing in late November and distribution in December. All enquiries to Michael on 086 8858052.

Strokestown Show 2013

The Society holds its All Ireland Calf Classes at Strokestown Show each year. This year the classes are being divided into three age groups with an Overall Male Championship and Overall Female Championship so we will have eight classes on the day. The three heifer calf classes are Heifer Calf born between 1st October 2012 and 31st December 2012, Heifer Calf born between 1st January 2013 and 31st March 2013 and Heifer Calf born after 1st April 2013. The three bull calf classes are Bull Calf born between 1st October 2012 and 31st December 2012, Bull Calf born between 1st January 2013 and 31st March 2013 and Bull Calf born after 1st April 2013.

Summer Shows 2013

It has been a very exciting summer with a few new faces on the block. Tommie Staunton cleared the boards in Tullamore when he took home the Beef Shorthorn Champion and Reserve Champion. Glenn Carter a well established breeder did something similar in the Dairy Classes in Tullamore taking Champion and Reserve Champion. The All Ireland 2 year old Beef Shorthorn Heifer Class in Mullingar Show was won by Noel Dowd with Creaga Gipsy. Gipsy also achieved a fantastic result in Claremorris Show where she took the Interbreed All Ireland Pedigree SucklerType Heifer Class. Gipsy qualified at Longford show which was one of 13 qualifying shows for this final. Limerick Show hosted a fantastic display of cattle too with a number of new exhibitors in the ring. The All Ireland Yearling Heifer Class was won by Noel Dowd with Creaga Heidi. Heidi also took the Show Champion and the Flatley Family with Capponellan Nancy took Reserve Champion.

Autumn Sales 2013

The Autumn sales kick off in Carlow Mart on Saturday September 28th. The Mount Leinster Club Sale will again host the Commercial SHX Cross Heifer Classes with a Prize Fund of 300 euro. Enquiries to Jim on 087 4156166. The next sale will be on Saturday October 5th in Ennis Mart. The Shannonside Breeders Club have added two new sections in this sale, a new section for Commercial Beef Shorthorns and a Commercial Crossbred section and of course the usual Pedigree Registered section. Enquiries to Michael on 085 7742725. The following week on Saturday October 12th the Moyside/Croghan Club sale takes place in Castlerea Mart. This comprises of a Pedigree Registered section, a Commercial Shorthorn section and a Commercial Crossbred section. Enquiries to Mary on 087 6695263

New Society Flags

We recently acquired two new Flag Banners for promotion as part of our mobile stand which we have at a number of regional shows throughout the Summer. The new Flags are very eye catching and a welcome addition to the outfit. These Flags were very kindly sponsored by Andrew O’Donoghue breeder of the Lickeen Beef Shorthorn Herd in Co. Clare.

Beef Shorthorn Premier Sale 2013

The Premier Sale will take place in Roscommon Mart on the Saturday 16th November, Classes remain unchanged from last year. The classes are In Calf Heifer, Maiden Heifer, Weanling Heifer, Weanling Bull, 2012 Born Bull. Enquiries and entry form from Society Office. All entries must be export tested, TH Free and Halter trained.

ICBF – Herdplus/Gene Ireland Maternal Beef Breeding Program

The New Maternal Index in showing the Shorthorn breed in a very good light and breeders need to capitalise on this, by joining Herdplus and participating in Weight recording we are collecting data on the breed which is a key element in selling our breed to Commercial farmers. In 2012 there was a marked increase in the registration of bulls which shows the demand for a quality Beef bull by Commercial farmers for breeding suckler replacements.

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