Online Animal Register

Reminder: From January 1, 2022 all females born in 2018 or after need to be genotyped before their first calf is registered.

Genotyping/DNA Testing: All animals must be genotyped from 1st of January 2024. Please do this as soon as possible to obtain a pedigree certificate. This can be carried out by contacting ICBF on +353 (0)23 8820452 or via Herdplus and requesting a hair sample kit. Results generally take 3-4 weeks.

Please note: Pedigree certificates will NOT be issued for calves until the genotype has been completed, and correct results have been returned.

TH Testing: Please contact Weatherbys for all TH testing on +353 (0)45 875521. For more information on TH and how to test Click Here